
Monday 22 April 2013

essay practive - unfinished

Describe how you developed your skills in the use of digital technology for media production and evaluate how these skills contributed to your creative decision making. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time.

I have a background in photography and use of camera work from when i had a photography and moving image exhibition. I used my skills that i have learnt towards my main product. I expanded my knowledge on the use of the video camera by test shooting and playing with the buttons and settings of the camera. I have shot a few scenes to practive angles, zooms and focuses in order to use them for my main product.

I didn't know how to focus the background and blur whats in front of the camera with a camera recorder so with practice, i recorded a scene to and perfected my skills in this specific area. This has been helpful when recording for my main product. It developed the scene into being a more effective and powerful one. While i was practicing with the focus, i learnt how to focus the main image and blur the background within one shot. This also came in useful as it allowed my storyline to be simpler and clearer. The effect of this tool creates an eye catching, audience engaging scene.

Monday 25 March 2013

Black Youth

Young African American havent participated as long as their white counterparts in the media culture industry.

1) a lack of discretionary income on the part of black youths and their families
2) racial exclusionary practices on the part of the culture industries.

The black youth see a way out of the ghetto through sports and entertainment such as music and acting.

They are usually portraid as criminals or violent individuals who live in a poor community with arough background

Monday 18 March 2013

essay q media marginalise

how far does the media marginalise certain groups of people through their representation?

make represenation of research

essay plan

Monday 4 March 2013


How are gypsies and travellers represented?

Through the Channel 4 program, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding portrays men as being the dominant figure over all women. Girls are made to be seen as almost sexual figures as they are told to dress with minimal clothing during events such as weddings (which occur very often) which then reveals most of their body, that is how girls find husbands.

In one of the clips called 'Grabbing' it shows how strong the patriarchy is. In this process, girls would be dancing with their friends on the dance floor and the boys will look at the ones they fancy, grab them, literally, out of the event and tell them they will marry. Girls dont have much choice in this but to go along with it. The clip also shows how when one of the boys grabs a girl and she is screaming for help but no one does anything as everyone knows what he is doing, this also indicates that everyone is very much used to it, some, mainly females, may be against this act but have no power to deflect this. The clip sends negative stigma towards Gypsies as their actions are very male dominated and unfair. If one that wasn't from the same background as Gypsies and saw this 'grabbing' act, they may think it could go as far as rape and be shocked about how nobody is doing anything to stop it. The fact that somebody will think this automatically shows that the Gypsies doings aren't very sensitive nor fair.

Another clip that i have seen in my own time, shows that physical fighting is the only way. Patrick Doherty, a man that is seen as a leader of the gypsy land has gained much respect from his fellow Gypsies by fighting and being known as a fighter. it shows that Gypsies are violent people and only resolve their problems through another problem. Channel 4 has mediated this by portraying only the fighting scenes and his views on fighting. We as audience dont know if all Gypsies believe taht violence is the only way aswe only see his and a few other mens views. If a problem was to occur or if somebody has said something unpleasant, straight away, fighting is the only option. This also shows that Gypsies don't know how to negotiate and speak as mature people.

Throughout My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, we see that all violent actions, abusive and foul language isn't restricted around children. Adults would swear and fight in front of children without concern. Having to see that, audience will believe that all Gypsies lack etiquette and respect for their youth. Being allowed to witness all events, Gypsy children will follow on the tradition and behaviour of their elders which also leads to a negative stigma as everyone that has seen the show thinks that Gypsies aren't well mannered.

Gyspies and travellers are both emerged into one through the media. We as audience see that Gyspies with a caravan are the same as travellers. The media doesnt differentiate nor portray the difference between Gyspies and travellers and this is when the Hypodermic Needle is taken into actions. Being as audience, we will watch an entertaining program about others' lives without having to think if what we are being shown is true or not. It is a fast psychological effect that allows us as audience believe what we see.

Monday 4 February 2013

Pres continued

Homosexuality has become a tolerable subject. 50 years ago it was a crime to be gay/lesbian but now it is an open topic and is more accepted. A CBBC program called The Dumping Ground shows a lesbian couple that want to adopt a child who is in care (the dumping ground). Some of the other kids at the home argue that it's wrong for a same sex couple to adopt because its wrong and there needs to be a father figure in the family, the show also shows a change of mind from the kids by making them admit that as long people love you and care for you, it doesn't matter what sexuality they are.

media pres by ranaal9494

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Britain on Film comparison

The changes that have occurred from 50 years ago and now have been very rapid.

Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents is a good example to show the behaviours of youth/students now in comparison to how it was shown in Britain on Film. Both genders' actions  are very different now. In this program, we'd see near to naked or even fully naked girls and boys absolutely intoxicated with alcohol and drugs on holidays with their friends. Whereas what we saw on Britain on Film

Monday 7 January 2013

Starter 07/01/13

What digital technologies have you used in creating your AS and A2 productions?

During As and A2 i've used the internet/ Safari to research about subjects and upload my work.
I also used:
After Effects
Final Cut Pro
Digital Camera
SLR camera for photoshoots
Bluetooth mic
Magazines (online)

With some of these digital technologies, i've used them mainly to edit and create a final piece for a magazine, image etc. I used majority of the Adobe applications even though i don't know how to use all of them well, i played around with what i knew and looked up youtube videos on how to do things on the apps then came to create a small product such as an introduction to my movie.
I've learnt different skill from different applications and they've helped me create final pieces to my coursework such as creating a magazine spread on inDesign.