
Friday 25 November 2011

Meeting Steve - Evaluation

Representations of age, family and relationships

Throughout the clip we are introduced to a couple who are sitting not too close to eachother. They're wearing bright colours that contradict their age. They seem to be in their late thirties.
The editing of the part when the daughter is introcuding her boyfriend to her parents tells us the emotions and feelings by her parents, the camera is set close on them as we see their faces drop. It then focuses on the fathers face and back to the boyfriends face which represents the fathers views on the new boyfriend, he's not too pleased as the boyfriend is way older than his 20 year old daughter.

The parents were sitting opposite the daughter and boyfriend, the couple seemed very close and the boyfriend had his arm around his girlfriend whereas the mother and father were sitting further apart. The relationship between the parents doesnt seem very strong nor fun in comparison to their daughters relationship.

As the boyfriend and the daughter are leaving, Steve ( the boyfriend ) reaches out his hand to shake the fathers hand but the father puts his hands in his pockets, then Steve quickly moves his arm. The editing in this scene represents the relationship between the two men, it shows that they're not going to get on well together.

Primeval exam practice evaluation

How is gender represented.

Throughout the clip in Primeval, we see the use of the directors representation of gender. We are introduced to a female character with short blonde hair and she was wearing a black leather jacket. The connotation of this is that it could represent her persona, we are also shown how she is trying to save a male character from a wild tiger who is trying to attack him. She gets into a JCB digger to try and attack the tiger and lead him astray from the male character. This shows us that the woman has a tough role and is portrayed as one of the protagonists.
The attackee realises that the woman is putting herself in danger and gradually failing to push the tiger away, the male character distracts the tiger and makes him follow him. The disrectors intention could be that the male will always be the dominant figure who comes to the rescue and is concluded as the main protagonist.

We then see a scene where another man, dressed in dirty clothing who seems to be a woodchopper, being threatened by an arrogant yet elangant dressed woman, we see a close up on her which represients her importance. The male backfires and threatens to kill her, he throws her down to the ground and gets his shot gun. The character levels are being shown throughout this scene because the woman is now on the ground and male is standing up ubove her.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Prestige - 9 frame analysis. - unfinished

This first screen shot portrays the title of the movie and what it could be about, it shows a number of magician hats scattered on the ground, the scenery looks dim and gloomy which could represent the genre of the movie. The title is displayed to give us a hint of what the film is about and who it's about. 

The second shot i have chosen to analyse gives an insight on the characters we first see, we are introduced to a man who looks like a grandparent to the young girl (shown in the next shot) who, as the narrator explains, is showing her a magic trick with the chick. The idea of knowing that we will be shown a magic trick creates a theme already. It allows our imagination to think about what will happen next and how it happen, what sort of magic tricks we will be shown and how will they be shown.

This shot is of a young girl, looks very tidy and smart, she is intrigued by the magic trick she is to be shown. From the start i thought the  movie will be tense and very bold but as it gradually moves on we are shown something more soft and light. This could mean it is a multi strand narrative which will play on in the audiences mind.

In this shot we see a man raising his hand, volanteering to be part of the magicians act. This is an introduction to yet another character which could mean that he is a valuble part in the movie. In attribute to the new introduction, we are told we will be seeing a new magic trick.

We are shown a dilema where a man is violently asking the volanteeree  what he is doing, this shot is shown around dark lighting to show us how the backstage works and how the people are when they're off stage. The scenes use of low lighting creates atmosphere.

He removes the fake moustache to change his looks, this could mean that the reason he's in disguise is because he might want to create mischief. as he steps down the stairs we come across a man who is sitting there watching him, yet he ignores him.

This scene shows the end of the magic trick the grandparent shows his grandchild. This cuts in after we see the surrounding of the cellar the first character we were introduced to. This makes us think why it has suddenly cut into this scene. The we see that the magic trick happens at the same time as the one on stage.

The magic trick here happens at the same time as the one with the grandparent. This could mean that an event in relation to both characters is to happen later on in the movie which could be a foreshadow. 

In this final clip, we see that the main magician is struggling to come back onto stage because he's stuck in a tank full of water where he cant breathe and the character we met first is looking at him in shock not knowing what to do. Maybe it was a part of a play on his all along which, again, could be a foreshadow telling the audience about the relationship between them.